Create rendering context

Create a rendering context for the Timeline Series Config tool.

About this task

A rendering context establishes where a certain rendering template will be used. Some examples of rendering contexts include:

  • Device contexts, such as "mobile" or "desktop."
  • User type contexts, such as "admin" (shows mode data with system internal information) or "customer" (shows only what needs to be shown so a customer can check their history).

If you want to review a configuration workflow for the Timeline Series Config tool, which includes this task, see Configure Event Stream with Timeline Series Config Tool.


  1. On the Admin & Rights 2.0 dashboard, under Platform Configurations, click Timeline Series Config. The Timeline Series tool opens, displaying the Event Categories page.
  2. From the navigation column, click Rendering Contexts.
  3. Then click Create Rendering Context.
  4. In the New Rendering Context modal, specify a name and description. Then click Save.

Once you save the rendering context, it displays in the Rendering Contexts table.